Monday, July 18, 2011

Various Hit-men Carryout Well Planned Attack Against Federal Police

Yesterday was a very violent afternoon for Sinaloa, since various attacks against police officials were reported through out the entire state.

The first attack was reported in the city of Mochis, Sinaloa, in which an armed cartel squad ambushed Ministerial Police Officers. The agents were ambushed while patrolling on boulevard Antonio Rosales, south of the city. Witnesses indicated that the police officers had in their custody arrested cartel members when suddenly, from house rooftops and moving vehicles, several cartel hit-men started shooting at the police officers. Being ambushed and unprepared, the agents did not have enough time to defend themselves from the attack.

Several police trucks were struck by AK-47 bullets and it was reported that two policemen were injured.

Minutes later a Municipal Police truck was attacked on the street Maquio Clouthier. In this attack there were no injuries, only material damage.

Two hours after the first two attacks State Police in Guasave, Sinaloa were ambushed by an armed cartel squad. In this incident 15 policemen were executed.


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